Those who know me (and/or follow me on Facebook) will know that, in the winter months, I belong to a team which competes in a Sunday night Quiz league. This is great fun and brings some custom to pubs which might otherwise be quite empty on a Sunday evening.

We are not the world’s most successful team, but we do have fun as the quiz match is played (usually) in good spirit.

The main match consists of ten rounds divided into two groups of five, with (for me, at least) a loo break in between. Each group of five rounds follows the pattern: Team, Individual, Team, Individual, Team. Team rounds allow for discussion within the team; individual rounds are for one person only versus their opposite number in the other team. Unanswered or wrongly answered questions bounce over to the other team/individual.

There are four people in each team, and eight questions to a round. Two points reward a correct answer. Bounce backs are worth one point. Unsurprisingly, the team with the most points after round ten is declared the winner. Points are submitted for calculation of league positions.

That was all very boring, wasn’t it? I can only apologise.

Once the main quiz is finished and another break has been taken, the ‘Gallon’ or ‘Beer’ rounds take place. Two team rounds are held, and the losers are duty bound to buy their opposite number a drink from the bar. Skinflints, such as I, do not like losing the Beer round, but, sadly, we often do.

Quizzing often provides some entertaining anecdotes, but I fear you will have to hear about those in a later post. Watch this space…