• Quiz Report – Hamish and Dougal

    [Continuing the theme of ‘different’ quiz reports, I was asked to do one with a Scottish theme, in honour of our follower, Sheila Munro. What follows is my attempt. She…

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  • The Mystery of the Disappearing Quiz Team

    Doctor Watson, clearly preparing for a lengthy discourse, settled himself back in his armchair, and fixed his listener with a meaningful look which plainly indicated that no interruption would be…

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  • Quiz Report – Hi-de-Hi

    Bong, bing, bing, bong Good mornin’, Campahs. Hi-de-hi! Gladys Pugh ‘ere. I’m delighted to introduce today’s programme of excitin’ activities put on for your entertainment by Joe Maplin ‘imself. ‘Owever,…

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  • On Corporal Punishment

    I received plenty of rods/rulers to the palm of the hand from the psychotic nuns I have talked about elsewhere in this group, but I was only on the receiving…

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  • What an angelic soul!

    First Holy Communion picture. I was probably 6/7. It was taken in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. We’d moved there from Kent in 1959 while I was still aged 5. I was inordinately…

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  • Born in the 50s Facebook Posts

    I recently joined a FB group for people born in the 50s. It has been a good experience and I thought I’d share some of my contributions here. Grunty Pig…

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  • So here it is…

    So here it is… “So here it is, ‘Merry Christmas’, everybody’s having…(‘fun’?).” Permit me a degree of scepticism about that lyric, for, in my experience, there’s quite a lot about…

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  • Facebook Fiend

    Yes, I regret to say I am a Facebook fiend. In my retirement, I spend far too much time on FB. I play Quiz Planet with a couple of friends,…

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  • Pingu-The Quiz Team Mascot

    We have a team mascot whom we rather unimaginatively call Pingu. He accompanies us to most quizzes. Whether he brings us luck or not is very much open to debate,…

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  • Only Fools…No Horses

    Those who know me (and/or follow me on Facebook) will know that, in the winter months, I belong to a team which competes in a Sunday night Quiz league. This…

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  • Off we go again…again!

    I promised that I’d try to keep my blog up to date, but, as ever, life got in the way. For a while, before and between cataract surgeries, reading the…

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