Quiz Report – Hamish and Dougal

[Continuing the theme of ‘different’ quiz reports, I was asked to do one with a Scottish theme, in honour of our follower, Sheila Munro. What follows is my attempt. She may never forgive me.]

“Hae ye had yer tea?” quoth Hamish, swiftly closin’ the door tae trap the heat, as Dougal stepped intae his wee crofter’s cot.

“Aye, that I hae. I ken after a’ these years yer middle name isnae Hospitality,” replied Dougal, hangin’ his drippin’ coat ahint the door.

“That may be sae, but I ken ye weel eneuch tae expect ye’ll be druthy for a wee dram o’ ma whisky while we blether. Is that no sae?”

“Aye, Hamish, ’tis sae.”

“Ye’d better settle afore the fire, then,” sighed Hamish, as he poured oot the wee drams—a generous yin for himsel’; a rather mair meagre yin for his guest.

The twa men huddled by the teeny fire.

“So, whit hae ye tae tell me, Dougal? How did ye get on at that quiz last evenin’?”

“Oh aye. We had a verra successful evenin’, ye ken. The guid news is that we tied the drinks roond, sae I didnae hae tae pay oot for a drink. Ma coins stayed firmly in ma sporran. Ah couldnae hae hoped fur a better result.”

“Ah can see that that was a most rewardin’ result, but whit aboot the main quiz? How did ye fare in that?”

“That unimportant thing? Oh weel, if ye maun ken, we lost by a narrow margin o’ three points, havin’ been ahead for maist o’ the evenin’. Ah, those tricky rounds on War Planes and International Diallin’ Codes proved tae be oor downfall. But dinnae fash yersel’, Hamish. Sometimes the wee details dinnae matter as much as the fact that I didnae hae to pay for a drink for someone else. Wunnersome.”

“Ah’m glad ye liked it, laddie! Noo, if ye hae ony mair boring tales dinnae hesitate tae keep them to yoursel’. Ah’ll no be keepin’ ye. Ah’ll fetch yer coat.”