Facebook Fiend

Yes, I regret to say I am a Facebook fiend. In my retirement, I spend far too much time on FB. I play Quiz Planet with a couple of friends, and I get to see the life progress of many of those I have taught in the past. Time was you sent your pupils out into the world, and only very rarely heard anything about what had become of them. Now, happily, those who wish to remain in touch can do so, and I find that a major source of delight.

If you are careful to avoid all the harmful stuff…the click-bait, the frauds, the advertising for things you’ve just bought (Why do they do that? I’ve just bought one. Why would I want to buy another?) …Facebook can be an interesting and informative place, as long as you use your brain as an appropriate filter.

I use it for our regular quiz reports, and I also like to make my occasional sidelong comments about the topics of the day. To this end, I have introduced a Facebook Posts page where I can put some of my latest observations for those who don’t get to see them on FB.

I hope you enjoy them.