Quiz Report – Hi-de-Hi

Bong, bing, bing, bong

Good mornin’, Campahs. Hi-de-hi! Gladys Pugh ‘ere. I’m delighted to introduce today’s programme of excitin’ activities put on for your entertainment by Joe Maplin ‘imself.

‘Owever, before I do, I ‘ave to tell you all about last night’s quiz ‘eld in the Maplin’s Ballroom last evenin’. Oh! Excitement or what, Campahs? It was an amazin’ battle o’ wits with both teams matchin’ each other pretty much blow for blow all the way through. (Peggy got so excited, I ‘ad to send ‘er to clean chalets. She wasn’t very ‘appy about that.) By the last round, either team could have won and the tension rose with a lot of breath-‘olding going on. In the end, turnin’ on the very last question, the teams drew the competition, 50 points all.

See what you miss, Campahs, if you don’t come to the Ballroom of an evenin’?

The teams went on to the much-loved ‘Who’s round is it anyway?’ debacle, where the Crown Jewels maintained their losin’ streak and ended up out o’ pocket. Suffice to say, Ted Bovis was not too keen to stump up his share.

What an exciting evenin’ that was, Campahs!

An’ now to today’s programme: At two o’clock by the swimming pool, the knobbly-knees will be judged by none other than the entertainments manager hisself, Mr Fairbrother, an’ then, at three o’clock…